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Business Marketing Tips

Why do you read this fine monthly publication? You live on the Island and care about what is going on. But I imagine the majority of you have businesses here that the articles published each month help keep you in “the know” about what is going on in your own community. But what’s the most important part of having a business? Making money! And how do you make money? By keeping busy! You’ve probably heard that old adage, “Spend money to make money.” But I don’t necessarily think that’s always true. Here are a few ways you can stay in front of your clients without spending a penny.

Social Media

Post daily. This sounds like a challenge, but this is potentially your strongest tool. There are five types of status updates that are sure to catch your follower’s attention.

  1. Something positive. Make people smile! Post a funny meme, cute video, a silly joke, or an inspiring quote. It doesn’t have to relate to your line of work.
  2. Share articles related to your business. If you’re a (ehem) real estate agent, direct followers to the latest post from Forbes Housing Outlook.
  3. Tag people or businesses. Who is doing good that you’d like to acknowledge? It’s not always about you. Plus, you’ll gain followers from those you tag. Maybe one day they’ll need you.
  4. Ask questions. But be careful not to get too deep. You want to avoid any type of controversy with this. If you’re a restaurant owner, post a photo of a new menu item and take a poll, “Who loves cream cheese with their sushi?” People love to give their opinions!
  5. Reward those who follow you with a spontaneous discount offer now and then. Nothing better than a good giveaway to get followers!


If you haven’t already, take some time putting together a contact email list of your past clients, current clients, potential clients, mom, dad, dog groomer, window washer…the more the merrier! Once a week, send out a short email or video clip. The idea is to stay in front of them without taking too much of their time. Keep them up to date with the latest news in the industry, updates in your field, or reminders of special skills or services you offer. Once a month, maybe consider a 30-second video for that more personal connection. Tell your contacts, in 50 words or less, what exactly you want to do for them. Make sure your signature line offers plenty of contact information.

Drive Through

No, not through Sonic. Although you may considering grabbing an ice-cold cherry limeade for the next hour you’ll be in the car. More than likely, you have a magnet, sticker, or perhaps a full-car wrap advertisement. Pick a neighborhood where you feel your services could be beneficial, and simply drive around. Do this as often as you’re able. People will see you.


Okay, this one actually just helps you…but the more you know, the better you can be at the above tactics! Have a favorite or famous expert in your field? More than likely, they have a podcast. You may be able to learn something from listening to others in your field who are successful. They may once in a while teach you something you can utilize yourself.

Our Island is so happily saturated with successful business owners. We’re so lucky to have such a wonderful array of talent and business variety. Let’s remember to always support one another.

Author – Whitney Noble, Corpus Christi Realtor @ Coastline Properties