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How to Grow a Thriving Business After the Pandemic

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been a beacon of light to small businesses hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Business owners are ready to move on from this crisis and get back on their feet. While it may be some time until things truly return to normal, now is a great opportunity to make a comeback plan, or—if you’ve been waiting for the economy to stabilize before starting a business—launch your new venture! Part of that plan will need a renewed focus on workplace safety, which is critical to growth and retention in terms of both employees and customers, particularly in the pandemic era.

Whether you already own a business or you’re thinking about getting started, there are plenty of resources out there that can help you achieve success. Padre Island Business Association explores some other steps you can take to get your business up and running.

Amplify Your Online Presence

While many of the changes brought on by the pandemic will revert once things go back to normal, some shifts may become more permanent. Businesses that pivoted online during the lockdown are likely to stay that way. And consumers who embraced online shopping, whether for goods or virtual services, are going to expect this same level of accessibility when the pandemic ends. As a result, eCommerce is going to dominate the post-pandemic world.

If you want your business to make it, developing a strong online presence is not optional. Your business needs to exist online. According to WP Forms, there are an estimated 24 million eCommerce sites online with more being created every day. Standing out from the crowd can be tough, but it’s far from impossible!

The best way to beat your competition is to build a strong connection with a very niche audience. Use your website, blog, social media accounts, and digital marketing material to develop a brand identity that resonates with your audience. Get active on social media, responding to customer comments and asking for feedback from your followers.

Make Use of Digital Tools

As you work to digitally transform your business, take advantage of online tools. Various types of software and apps can help you save time on administrative tasks, improve your bottom line by reducing the need for employees, avoid common instances of human error in the workplace, and maybe even offer a better product to your customers.

Managing accounting, invoicing, and payroll can be made easier with the help of such tools. For example, an online payroll platform will make it easier to keep track of employee taxes, benefits, overtime hours, and vacation pay.

Double Down on Content Marketing

Post-pandemic marketing is about more than focusing on digital advertisements. While pay-per-click (PPC) Google and Facebook ads are great for reaching new customers and scaling your business, targeting your existing customers may offer a better return on your investment. People who have already purchased from your business are far more likely to buy from you again. All they need is a little push.

The best way to create a customer base of loyal shoppers is to produce unique, high-value content that benefits your audience in some way. Use your blog articles, social media posts, and marketing videos to offer tips and advice that will genuinely help your customers. As LivePlan puts it, try to focus on giving rather than taking.

Collaborate with Other Small Businesses

When it comes to marketing your small business post-pandemic, you don’t have to do it alone. Teaming up with other businesses in your industry is a great way to reach new audiences who already show interest in what you’re offering. Avocor notes that cross-promoting with other brands on social media is a popular marketing collaboration tactic. Ideally, the brand you team up with already has a viewership that looks to them for advice and trusts their recommendations, so you won’t have to work as hard to convince these customers to try your product.

There are several different ways you could team up with other businesses. Reach out to influencers in your niche and propose a contest or giveaway for their followers. Build a long-lasting relationship with another business so you can include one another in marketing emails and social media promotions. Sharing discount codes with other businesses is a great way to encourage their customers to check you out. This is your chance to make new connections, get creative, and have fun!

Empower Your Team

Unless you’re running a one-person show, your workers are the lifeblood of your business. Whether employees or freelancers, keeping your team members engaged from a distance can be tough. Miscommunications among remote teams are all too common. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to ensure your remote employees work together like a well-oiled machine!

Empowering your team is all about unlocking the potential of each and every employee. It’s about creating a business culture that values transparency, open communication, and honesty. Your workers should feel free to voice their opinions and know that their input is valued!

One great way to empower your workers is to trust them with their responsibilities, giving them the freedom to work in their own way instead of micromanaging every aspect of a project. Encourage feedback, creativity, and out-of-the-box thinking. Be flexible and empathetic. Most importantly, ensure that your team gets the time off they need to enjoy a good work-life balance. When you do all this, your team will feel engaged with your brand and truly care about its success!

As we emerge from the pandemic, business owners have many opportunities to reconnect with customers and grow their ventures. Now is an excellent time to double down on your online presence, create compelling digital content, and team up with other businesses to get the word out about your brand. Running a business in the post-pandemic world is all about meeting your customers where they are and providing a level of value unmatched by your competitors.