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Fishing Anyone?

There are so many fun things to do on our island!  Bird watching, shopping, eating gelato or delicious food at our local island restaurants, beach day or fun fishing at either the jetty, pier, beach or by boat.  I had lunch with a friend recently and we talked a lot about our beautiful island.  One of the things we talked about was my passion for fishing from the beach, also called Surf Fishing.  My husband and I even have their own Facebook page to post some pictures of our fishing adventures.

There are lots of things we have to consider when we want to go fishing at the beach.  Tide movement, bait movement, water temp & color, moon phase, beach driving conditions and weather are huge factors.  There are a few island residents like Danny Graves and Nick Meyer that I follow to get my daily information.   There are also websites I visit when we are considering a trip to the beach or if it’s a good day to go surf fishing. I’ve listed those websites below.  I reached out to my guys to see what they think we can see for the next few weeks with weather & fishing.

Danny Graves is our resident island weather man aka WX Man Dan.  He posts a daily weather report on Next Door titled “Sandbar Weather” to share with us the weather, wind speeds, water temps, tides, offshore forecast and much more.  This is all very useful for island residents who are planning outdoor activities including surf fishing.  The data he uses is directly from websites like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Danny provided us with the projected tides for May of 2019.  Danny also mentioned that the weather will even out from now thru the Fall season.   He also said that water temp are dependent on fronts changing air temps, seasonal currents and the season dur to sun angle. Tides are dependent on solar and lunar positioning.  You can get on the Next Door app to see his daily Sandbar weather reports.

I also reached out to Nick Meyer with Breakaway Tackle to have him give me his opinion on our fishing forecast and what we can expect over the next few weeks.  Nick was excited to share that May is an awesome time of year for fishing.  The water temperatures will reach above 70 degrees and a lot of the predatory fish, who are visual feeders, will be making their way in closer to shore.  They will be looking for bait in the first and second wade guts.  It’s a great time of year to work a large top water bait on the surface looking for Jack Crevalle’s and trout.  He advised me to “follow the birds”.  They will lead you to a good fishing spot as they will point out where the bait is moving through.  In May you will also see the Sargassum seaweed start moving inshore again.  When this happens it a great time to pick up your light tackle gear and fish with a spoon between the weed mats.  There you will find trout and redfish lurking.  The redfish are usually found hiding under the weed mats so make sure to cast around those areas.  For more information you can follow Nick Meyer on his Facebook page to get a daily beach report as well as fishing reports and pictures.   I highly recommend you follow his Facebook page to get the daily beach report!  Nick’s shop is located off Rodd Field Road if you would like to stop in and see his amazing custom rod’s or talk about fishing.

Here are some websites we use to find out more information about tides or fishing.

Best Fishes this spring!

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