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Whether you’ve lived here for several decades or just a few months, it can take a while to feel like you belong. Often it’s not painting the walls and installing a new chandelier that will make you feel “at home” … try rather engaging in your community! But HOW?

Shape where you live:

Knowing what’s going on in your neighborhood gives you an opportunity to speak up on things that matter to you, like voting on a local ordinance, participating in school board elections, or petitioning for the new dog park you’d love to have. By getting involved, you can help make your community a better place to live.

Create stronger social ties:

Meet your neighbors – This is the easiest first step, and they are the perfect entry point for getting to know the larger community. If you’re a bit reserved and initiating a coffee invite seems daunting, try breaking the ice through neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor. It’s a great avenue for starting conversations and can open the doors (literally!). People are the heart of any community, and when you get to know the neighbors, shopkeepers, and service people around you, you’ll feel like you belong.

Attend a neighborhood meeting – Our monthly POA meetings are open to the public! Come, listen, ask questions…this gives you a platform to discuss concerns and improvement opportunities, while also introducing you to key people within the community.

Get involved:

After you’ve met your neighbors and have attended some neighborhood meetings, have some fun!

Shop local – Your local coffee shop, friendly hardware store, welcoming car repair spot, pet store…just some of the shops that make our Island unique. Dine at our delicious family-owned restaurants, get your hair cut by our resident barber. Small businesses are at the core of a thriving community, and shopping local ensures the money you spend goes back into keeping our community vibrant.

Take to the streets – The Island is known for fishing tournaments, farmers’ markets, parades, races, etc. Show up! The more you stroll the booths and cheer on your fellow Islanders, the more social connections you’ll make.

Volunteer your time – There are ALWAYS places to volunteer. You’ll find shared interests and gain a sense of self reward. Clean up the beach, organize a food drive…giving back will always bring you closer to the community. This can also be in the form of joining or starting a club.

Protect your property value:

When you partner up with others in our community to work together to make The Island a safe, clean, fun place, you make the neighborhoods more attractive to people looking for a new home, driving up the area’s desirability and boosting property values. Better for ALL of us!

Your community is an extension of your home. When you invest in your community, it returns the favor by helping you.

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