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BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services online has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business. The days of high-pressure sales tactics and price haggling are largely in the past, as online marketplaces allow buyers to comparatively shop for the best deal on the product they want across hundreds or thousands of sellers. Particularly when…

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BBB Tip: How to avoid purchasing fake tickets to events

As another Texas summer with record-breaking heat ends and the beginning of the Fall season approaches, many people will be looking to get out and enjoy themselves at various events across the state. Residents may be planning on watching their favorite sports team compete this season or attending a concert featuring a famous musician. With…

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National Diabetes Awareness Month

Every year the month of November is recognized as Diabetes Awareness Month. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness regarding the disease since millions of Americans live with diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, 37.3 million Americans have diabetes. Additionally, 96 million people are categorized as pre-diabetic which is a condition where…

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BBB Business Tip: 7 ways small business owners can cope with inflation

U.S. consumers are experiencing the most significant 12-month increase in prices since 1981, and many small business owners are feeling the pressure. With the inflation rate hovering around 8%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Consumer Price Index, many small business owners are experiencing increased costs to conduct business and shrinking profit margins. Desperate to…

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BBB serving the Heart of Texas

Accepting applications for 2022 Torch Awards for Ethics competition Since 2014, BBB serving the Heart of Texas has been celebrating marketplace role models with the BBB Torch Awards for Ethics. The award is given to businesses that demonstrate their dedication to ethical business practices, often implementing standards of their own that exceed BBB’s requirement for…

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National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month. This month is dedicated to educating and encouraging Americans to register as donors of organs, tissue, marrow, and blood. Donating is a generous act that saves thousands of lives annually. Transplanting organs and tissue is one of the greatest and most successful medical procedures in the history of medicine.…

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The top 5 cybersecurity practices every small business needs to do now

BBB Business Tip:  Cybercrime is a big problem for small businesses, and it’s only getting worse. According to McAfee Enterprise and FireEye’s latest report, Cybercrime in a Pandemic World: The Impact of COVID-19, 81% of global organizations have experienced increased cyber threats since the onset of the pandemic, and in 2020, the cost of cybercrimes reached approximately $4.2 billion,…

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BBB Tip: How to Avoid Event Ticket Scams

As COVID-19 restrictions slowly lift around the nation following mass vaccination events and a declining positivity rate, many people are eagerly anticipating the return of in-person events and festivals. However, many venues still limit the number of tickets available for an event, creating stiff competition to obtain one. The internet provides countless opportunities for people…

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7 tips for building and maintaining customer loyalty

A strong customer relationship can be the difference between a business thriving and failing. When investing in customers, the more likely a business will grow — and customers will keep coming back. BBB offers seven tips for building and maintaining customer loyalty, but first, it is essential to understand how vital loyal customers are to…

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BBB Talking Points – Social Media Scams

Be wary of online messages Do some research Press for details Report suspicious activity to Facebook. Intro: Plenty of people who are connected to the internet are catching up with friends on social media or randomly surfing the web. Unfortunately, so are scammers. Here to offer tips on protecting yourself on social media from your…

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